CocoaConf Chicago 2013


Well, here’s our first plug. CocoaConf Chicago is happening this weekend. If you don’t have anything planned and are in the vicinity for Friday and Saturday, you should check it out. There are a few spots still available. I’ll be giving a talk about prototyping iOS and Mac apps and covering some tools that are out there to help with the process.

CocoaConf, as a conference, has impressed me a lot. Usually conferences are pretty static — they provide roughly the same experience each time you attend. CocoaConf however, has improved at a rate that amazes me. Each one I’ve either attended or looked at the session schedule for, is better than the last. I’m looking forward to being part of their speaker lineup in Chicago and then again in San Jose (April 18-20). I think they’ve done a bang up job recruiting speakers and am happy to be part of a conference that features friends and great presenters like Mike Jurewitz, Matt Drance, Jonathan Penn, and Jaimee Newberry.

✍ Update: Slides and session notes from the talk are now available.
